Source: Palette/Shader.js

/* global WebGLShader */
* @classdesc Abstraction of shader references to allow easy manipulation.
* @class Palette.Shader
* @description Initialise and compile a valid Source Object into a Shader.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - The context the shader will belong to and be compiled by.
* @param {string} name - The name the shader object will be referred to by.
* @param {number} type - The class of the shader contained, either Palette.Shader.VS or Palette.Shader.FS.
* @param {string} source - The source code to compile the shader from.
* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - The context the shaders of this program will belong to and be compiled by.
* @param {object} [attrs] - The array which contains attribute names and default values, as an array of 3-tuples.
* @author FelixMcFelix (Kyle S.)
Palette.Shader = function(gl, name, type, source, attrs){
	* The shader's name.
	* @name Palette.Shader#name
	* @type String
	* @protected
	* @readonly
	*/ = name;

	* The type of shader, either Palette.Shader.VS or Palette.Shader.FS for objects.
	* @name Palette.Shader#type
	* @type int
	* @protected
	* @readonly
	this.type = type;

	* The shader's attached context.
	* @name Palette.Shader#context
	* @type WebGLRenderingContext
	* @protected
	* @readonly
	this.context = gl;

	* The shader's attribute array.
	* @name Palette.Shader#attrs
	* @type Array[]
	* @protected
	* @readonly
	this.attrs = attrs;

	* The reference to the compiled shader in the WebGLRenderingContext.
	* @name Palette.Shader#shader
	* @type WebGLShader
	* @protected
	* @readonly
	this.shader = null;

	* Has the shader attempted compilation yet?
	* @name Palette.Shader#compiled
	* @type Boolean
	* @private
	* @readonly
	this.compiled = false;


Palette.Shader.prototype = {
	* Compile shader code from a source string. Once compiled, you cannot recompile.
	* @method Palette.Shader#bakeShader
	* @protected
	* @param {string} source - The source code to compile and attach to this shader object.
	* @return {boolean} True if successful, false if unsuccessful.
	bakeShader: function(source){
		if (this.compiled){return null;}

		this.compiled = true;

			case Palette.Shader.VS:
				this.shader = this.context.createShader(this.context.VERTEX_SHADER);
			case Palette.Shader.FS:
				this.shader = this.context.createShader(this.context.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
				return false;

		this.context.shaderSource(this.shader, source);
		if (!this.context.getShaderParameter(this.shader, this.context.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
			alert("An error occurred compiling the shaders: " + this.context.getShaderInfoLog(this.shader));
			return false;

		return true;

Palette.Shader.VS		= 0;
Palette.Shader.FS		= 1;
Palette.Shader.LIST		= 2;

Palette.Shader.prototype.constructor = Palette.Shader;