/* global Sketch */
* @classdesc The driver class for the sketch module. Initialise via Sketch.createSketch(...) for default configs.
* @class Sketch.Driver
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - The canvas element that sketch will be targeting.
* @author FelixMcFelix (Kyle S.)
Sketch.Driver = function(canvas){
* Internal counter used to block execution calls while shaders are still being added.
* @name Sketch.Driver#readyLock
* @type int
* @private
this.readyLock = 0;
//Canvas-y stuff;
* The module's attached canvas.
* @name Sketch.Driver#canvas
* @type HTMLCanvasElement
* @protected
* @readonly
this.canvas = canvas;
* The module's attached context.
* @name Sketch.Driver#context
* @type WebGLRenderingContext
* @protected
* @readonly
this.context = canvas.getContext("webgl", {preserveDrawingBuffer: true});
* A reference to the parser.
* @name Sketch.Driver#parser
* @type Parser
* @protected
* @readonly
this.parser = sketchParse;
* The module's reference to the code generator.
* @name Sketch.Driver#codeGen
* @type Object
* @protected
* @readonly
this.codeGen = null;
* The module's reference to the shader manager.
* @name Sketch.Driver#shaderManager
* @type Palette.Manager
* @protected
* @readonly
this.shaderManager = new Palette.Manager(this.context);
* The module's reference to the VM.
* @name Sketch.Driver#vm
* @type MVM
* @protected
* @readonly
this.vm = null;
Sketch.Driver.prototype = {
* Add a shader from an already-resolved JSON String.
* @method Sketch.Driver#addShader
* @param {String} text - the JSON string for a shader object.
* @public
addShader: function(text){
* Add a shader from a URL.
* @method Sketch.Driver#addShaderURL
* @param {String} url - the URL string leading to a shader object.
* @async
* @public
addShaderURL: function(url){
var that = this;
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open("GET", url, true);
x.onload = function(){
* Final phase of shader addition. Frees up the lock to allow execution.
* @method Sketch.Driver#addShaderInternal
* @param {String} text - the JSON string for a shader object.
* @private
addShaderInternal: function(text){
* Compile and execute a Sketch program.
* @method Sketch.Driver#compile
* @param {String} text - the source code for a Sketch program.
* @returns boolean - will fail either on error, or if shaders are still being added.
* @public
compile: function(text){
alert("Sketch driver is still loading shaders - be patient!" +
" If it's been excessively long then you may have tried to add a malformed shader.");
return false;
this.vm = null;
this.codeGen = null;
this.codeGen = new Sketch.SketchGen();
var ast = this.parser.parse(text);
var prog = this.codeGen.interpret(ast);
var vm = new MVM.VM(this.context, this.shaderManager, prog.code, false);
this.vm = vm;
var d = this.vm.interpret();
if(prog.initAddr !== null){
this.vm.call(prog.initAddr, []);
var initTime = Date.now();
if(prog.renderAddr !== null){
var t = this;
var fn = function(){
vm.call(prog.renderAddr, [Date.now()-initTime]);
var k = window.requestAnimationFrame(fn, t.canvas);
window.requestAnimationFrame(fn, this.canvas);
// alert("The final values of global scope variables are (in order of definition):\n"+d.variables);
//Since the code generator is not capable of outputting graphical operations
//we shall simply print the stack's top value to demonstrate our wonderful
// alert("The Virtual Machine's final state is in the console.");
} catch (e){
alert("Error detected while rendering! See console for stack trace.");
return false;
return true;